Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has appointed seven members to the state’s Marihuana Advisory Panel, including representatives for law enforcement, physicians, patients, counties, and towns. Snyder is also tasked with appointing another five members to the panel representing cultivators, processors, dispensaries, and safety compliance facilities but according to the governor’s office, those appointments will wait until after the new medical cannabis licensing regime takes effect in December.
The two representatives from the law enforcement community are Roseville Police Department Chief James Berlin, who will represent local police, and Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole, who is currently serving his second term.
Dr. Saqib Nakadar, the medical director for Doc Greens Clinic and doctor of osteopathic medicine, will represent licensed physicians on the panel. Doc Greens Clinic has three locations in the state, specializing in internal medicine and medical cannabis. Paul Samways, the managing partner of Cannabis Accounting, will represent medical cannabis patients.
Suzanne Schulz, the planning director and managing director of design, development, and community engagement for the City of Grand Rapids, will represent cities and villages; attorney Catherine Kaufman, partner at the municipal law firm of Bauckham, Sparks, Thall, Seeber & Kaufman, P.C., will represent townships; and Wayne County Director of Commission Affairs Alan Helmkamp will represent counties.
The remaining members of the panel, all of which will serve three-year terms, will be appointed by the state attorney general, and the directors of the Michigan State Police, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, and the Department of Agriculture, or their designees.
Opinions expressed the above syndicated article by TG Branfalt are for informational purposes only and not necessarily the opinion of Herban Medical Options.
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