NORML | November 15, 2017 ALBANY, NY — Legislation signed into law on Saturday permits patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to be eligible to receive medicinal cannabis products. Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed S.5629/A.7006 into law late last week. The law took effect immediately upon passage. New York is the 23rd state to explicitly permit the use of cannabis for symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Article continues …
New York Finally Adds PTSD as Qualifying Condition for Medical Marijuana
Approximately 8 million adults suffer from PTSD, including many military veterans. (WikiMedia Commons/USMC) TJ Baker | November 12, 2017 ALBANY, NY — On Veterans Day, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that will finally allow patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to access medical marijuana in New York. The bill (A.7006/S.5629), which was passed by the legislature earlier …
Lawmakers Demand the VA Study Medical Marijuana
Approximately 8 million adults suffer from PTSD, including many military veterans. (WikiMedia Commons/USMC) NORML | November 3, 2017 WASHINGTON, DC — Members of the US House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs are demanding that the Department of Veterans Affairs facilitate protocols to assess the efficacy of medical cannabis in veterans suffering from chronic pain conditions and post-traumatic stress. Minnesota Democrat Tim Walz, along with …
Congressional Lawmakers Demand the VA Study Medical Marijuana
Paul Armentano | October 30, 2017 Members of the US House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs are demanding the Department of Veterans Affairs facilitate protocols to assess the efficacy of medical cannabis in veterans suffering from chronic pain and post-traumatic stress. Minnesota Democrat Tim Walz, along with nine other Democrat members of the Committee, authored an October 26, 2017 letter to …